About us
Introducing the Busan Trade Office LA.

History and Mission


1996.04.01 Apr. 1st, 1996, Established Busan Trade Office in Miami, FL
2006.01.01 Jan. 1st, 2006, Relocated to the city of Los Angeles at K-Move Center


We support Busan companies to enter the North and South American market and build up successful business with North and South American buyers.
We attract foreign investment and tourism to the city of Busan, support the public relationship of the city of Busan with North and South America, and provide various local commerce and trade information to the city of Busan.

Contact Us

Position Name Role E-mail
Director Eunyoung Ju General supervision of trade office operation and support for Busan companies juey0602@gmail.com
Office Manager Don cha Support for export consultation, provision of commerce/trade information, municipal promotion, support for exchanges with local related organizations don.busantrade@gmail.com
Marketing Consultant Jaewon (Justin) Kang Buyer discovery, export consultation and contract support, commerce/trade information provision, website and social network management justin.busantrade@gmail.com
  • Director

    Eunyoung Ju

    Role General supervision of trade office operation and support for Busan companies
    E-mail juey0602@gmail.com
  • Office Manager

    Don cha

    Role Support for export consultation, provision of commerce/trade information, municipal promotion, support for exchanges with local related organizations
    E-mail don.busantrade@gmail.com
  • Marketing Consultant

    Jaewon (Justin) Kang

    Role Buyer discovery, export consultation and contract support, commerce/trade information provision, website and social network management
    E-mail justin.busantrade@gmail.com